Small Group Meeting
at Smile-kan
(Next to the church)
Basically, we have small group meetings
on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
In these meetings, after worship,
we read the Bible in small groups
and meet on a theme.
We look forward to your participation.
The Ascent/Assault is
from 12:45pm on the
2nd floor of Smile-Kan.
Join us if you're Free!
Not held now
↓↓ ★Filipino Bible Sundy★
The Filipino Bible Sundy
Small Group begins, in every 4th Sunday of
the month, the Filipino
members of Mitaki Green
Chapel will meet from 10am,
at Smile-kan.
☆Suggested Proverb☆
I love those who love me,
and those who seek me find me.
Proverbs 8:17
★Feel free to use the kids
room in the back
with your children.
◆An invitation to join Worship
ministry. Whant to join?
◆English Service Ministry
asks for
1 volunteers to mind children
during fellowship time
2 someone to help us as our
Church's greeter
◆Send your prayer
requests to kris
★Welcome Visitors!★ Sunday Service
Worship, Testimony & Sermon
Children's Ministry
Please join us after the service for
Fellowship & Refreshments
Welcome to
Mitaki Green Chapel
International English Srevice
【Church Theme Lection】 -It is more blessed to
give than to receive-
《Acts 20:35》
【2025 Church Theme Lection】 "Jesus answered,
“I am the way and the truth
and the life.
No one comes to the Father
except through me.”."
《John 14:6》(NIV)
English Service
2 March
“The Age of Life” -Christ the Life part 1-
John 17:1-3